Surgical Services

When You Need Surgery, Only The Best Will Do

The Best Surgery Center

In 2018, the new Sanderell West Wing opened at Mercer Health which included a brand new, enhanced, enlarged surgery center.

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The Best Technology and Equipment

In 2022, Mercer Health brought robotic surgery to the area.  The remarkable technology offers the most up-to-date technology the medical field has to offer and will benefit both patients and surgeons. Benefits to the patient include, fewer complications, shorter recovery time, reduced hospital stays and reduced blood loss.

The Best Staff

Mercer Health’s team of surgeons, anesthesiologists and specially trained nurses and support staff treat are compassionate, dedicated, expert caregivers that have created a culture of going above and beyond for every surgery and every patient.  When you have surgery at Mercer Health, you can have peace of mind knowing that the staff caring for you will do whatever it takes for you to have the best surgical experience possible.

Our Range of Surgical Procedures

General surgery

Robotic surgery

Orthopedic surgery, including joint replacement and spine

Weight loss surgery

Gynecological surgery

Ophthalmologic (eyes) surgery, including cataract removal

Urological surgery

ENT (ears, nose and throat) surgery

Podiatry surgery

Laser procedures


Both inpatient and outpatient procedures are performed at Mercer Health.

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How to Prepare For Your Surgery

A nurse from the surgery center will contact you prior to surgery with your pre-admission testing information. In addition to any testing that must be done, your pre-admission testing (PAT) call will share any relevant information, review the plans for your procedure and answer questions. We may also ask you to keep track of all of your medications, dosages and allergies prior to your procedure.

Pre-Admission Testing (PAT)

Pre-admission testing (PAT) includes any procedures or testing done prior to surgery. While your provider determines what procedures are needed, routine pre-admission testing often includes EKGs, blood pressure testing, laboratory blood work and imaging tests.

Joint Clinic

Joint Clinic, for patients preparing to undergo a joint replacement surgery, is held at Mercer County Community Hospital on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month. For more information, contact Surgical Services at 419-678-5248.

Pre-op and Post-op Care

Our pre-op and post-op team will care for you before and after your procedure. Before surgery, your pre-op nurse will prep you for your procedure. You will change into a gown, have an IV placed and vitals taken and consult with your surgeon and anesthesiologist. Your post-op nurse will care for your once your procedure is complete, as well as provide your discharge instructions.

Post-Anesthesia Care Unit – Recovery Room (PACU)

When you wake up from anesthesia post-surgery, you will likely be in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), also commonly called the recovery room. Once you have completed your stay in the PACU, you will be moved either to post-op (outpatient procedures) or to your room on the medical/surgical unit (inpatient procedures).

The length of stay in the PACU is determined by many factors. Should a prolonged stay in PACU be necessary, every effort will be made to keep loved ones informed.

Common Procedure FAQs


I don’t have any symptoms of colon cancer, so why bother to go through a colonoscopy?

There are few noticeable symptoms of very early colon cancer. The only way to know for sure is to have regular colonoscopies, that may be more or less often depending upon you risk factors.  Ask your provider what she/he recommends for you.

Will I be uncomfortable or embarrassed during my colonoscopy? How long is the recovery? 

You will be made comfortable and the colonoscopy team understands and treats you with the utmost respect. Within a couple of hours you are free to leave with a driver and able to carry on with normal activities the next day.

Can I afford a colonoscopy?

Most insurance companies will pay for this screening as will Medicare.

What is the preparation like? 

Many people fear prepping for a colonoscopy is hard and unpleasant. Your preparation only lasts one day of a clear liquid diet. It is accompanied by another fluid to thoroughly clean out your colon.

How do I make an appointment?

You can start with your primary care provider or you can reach out to one of our general surgery offices.

Endometrial Ablation

What is an endometrial ablation?

This is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat heavy menstrual cycles by destroying the tissue that lines the uterus (endometrium).

Why is this procedure performed? 

This is a treatment for very heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding that lasts longer than 8 days, or chronic anemia from excessive blood loss. Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any of these issues.

How long does an endometrial ablation take?

The procedure is typically 30-45 minutes long. The surgeon will insert a scope to get a look at the lining of the uterus and then proceed with the ablation.

How long is the recovery from an endometrial ablation? 

It does not take long to heal from an ablation. Most women are back to their normal routine within a few days. However, it is important to follow the guidelines given to you by your surgeon.

Kidney Stone Treatment

What is a kidney stone?

Kidney stones are a hard deposit of minerals and acid salts that stick together in concentrated urine. They are extremely painful when passing through the urinary tract.

What are the treatment options for a kidney stone?

There are several types of surgical treatments for kidney stones including extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWL), ureteroscopic stone removal and laser lithotripsy. Your physician will discuss the best option for your kidney stone.

  • ESWL – This uses high energy waves to break kidney stones into tiny pieces.
  • Ureteroscopic Stone Removal – This is a minimally invasive procedure in which a tiny scope is inserted into the ureter and locates the stone. The stone is then removed using a tiny wire basket.
  • Laser Lithotripsy – This procedure is similar to the ureteroscopic stone removal, however the stone is too big to be pulled out of the ureter with a basket. The physician will take a tiny laser fiber and break the stone up in the ureter, allowing it to pass.

Will I need a stent?

The physician may place a small stent in the ureter during the procedure. This will help the stone fragments pass through into the bladder. Stents can be removed in the office at your follow up appointment.

Services for Visitors

While you wait for your loved one, please feel free to take advantage of the following services:

More Information For Visitors

More Questions?

If you have additional questions about our surgical services department, contact us today at 419-678-5248.
