Sleep Care

Sleep Services That Help You Rest So You Can Be Your Best

Consistently getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your mind and body to function well throughout the day. Our Sleep Care Center helps diagnose and treat a variety of sleep disorders including sleep apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia and restless leg syndrome. At Mercer Health’s Sleep Care Center, our goal is to provide convenient, quality diagnostic sleep services so you can be your best!

What Is A Sleep Study?

A sleep study or polysomnogram is a medical test performed in a private, climate-controlled suite while the patient sleeps. Sleep studies are non-invasive tests that are completed on an outpatient basis at night. Our sleep technologist will apply sensors to monitor and record your heart beat, brain activity, muscle movement, breathing efforts and oxygen levels. The study will be analyzed by a board-certified sleep physician who will determine the correct treatment. Certain disorders require a second sleep study to evaluate the level of treatment.

How To Schedule An Appointment

Sleep Care welcomes physician and patient referrals. The patient can call Sleep Care to set up an appointment with a board-certified sleep physician, for an initial evaluation or may be referred directly by another physician.  For more information or to schedule an appointment with our sleep physician, please contact us at 419-678-ZZZZ (9999).

Think You May Have A Sleep Disorder?

Snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, irritability and/or gasping upon waking are all signs of a sleep disorder. There are other factors that can also contribute to sleep disorders and concerns.

Take Our Sleep Quiz


Looking For Tips For Better Sleep?

Develop a Sleep Routine

Creating and maintaining a sleep routine will help your body relax and prepare for sleep. The following will help you get into a routine:

  • Go to bed and get up at the same time everyday.
  • Keep the bedroom dark, cool and quiet, and avoid television. Using some low, consistent background noise like a fan or soft music may be helpful for some.
  • Take a warm bath approximately 90 minutes prior to going to bed. This may help with relaxation. Keeping the body warm and the room cool will help

Avoid Certain Substances

Do not ingest caffeine, alcohol or nicotine within 6 hours of bedtime. Do not eat a large meal prior to bedtime, but a light snack may help avoid the discomfort of an empty stomach. Do not drink a lot of fluids prior to sleep.


Regular exercise completed four hours prior to bedtime will help you rest well.
