You should eat to hunger and drink to thirst. It’s best to try to eat a variety of protein, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Water, milk, non-caffeinated tea and/or juice are good drink options.
The experts at Mercer Health have compiled a number of answers and online resources you can use to make this experience as rewarding and successful as possible.
It’s best to avoid eating foods high in sugar and saturated fat. It’s also advised to limit eating fish that contain high levels of mercury.
Try to limit your intake of caffeinated beverages to 1-2 per day. Coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks and chocolate may all contain caffeine.
Abstaining from alcohol is the safest option for breastfeeding mothers. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, moderate alcohol consumption (up to one drink per day) is not known to be harmful to the infant, especially if the mother waits at least two hours after a single drink before nursing.
Most medicines are safe to take while breastfeeding, but you should always consult your doctor first. Always take medications as prescribed.
Our breastfeeding class provides a basic understanding of breastfeeding. Parents are given information on how to get breastfeeding off to the best start. Class is taught by our board-certified lactation consultant who is available after class to discuss any questions more in-depth. This class is recommended for first-time breastfeeding mothers and mothers who did not meet their breastfeeding goals in the past. Support people are encouraged to attend class with the mother-to-be.
Breastfeeding classes are free to to any expecting mothers and are offered from 6:00-8:00 p.m. throughout the year. Online registration is required.
Register OnlineIt is common for new moms to be concerned that they are not producing enough breastmilk and that their baby is not getting enough to eat. Babies have tiny stomachs – from the size of a grape at birth to the size of an apricot at day seven – and do not require a large amount of breastmilk to feel full. Signs that your baby is getting enough to eat are:
Nipple tenderness is common as you begin breastfeeding; soreness that lasts more than seven days and is accompanied by sores, blisters and/or bruises is not considered normal and could be a sign of poor latch and/or positioning. Please contact our lactation consultant for support.
When your milk supply starts increasing your breasts may become larger and feel swollen. This is commonly known as “engorgement” and typically starts around day 2-5 and subsides within 1-2 days. Be sure to breastfeed baby frequently. Using massage during a feeding may help the milk flow better. Cold compresses applied to the breast after a feeding for 15-20 minutes may be helpful. Contact our lactation consultant for additional support.
Blocked ducts, which may feel like pea-sized lumps or engorged tissue, are often sore and may feel warm. To help relieve blocked ducts, apply warm compresses to the affected area, feed baby frequently and massage the blocked duct toward the nipple during feedings. Contact our lactation consultant if you are not responding to these relief measures. Blocked ducts can lead to mastitis, which can become serious if not treated quickly. If you have the symptoms of a blocked duct in addition to fever and chills, contact your doctor immediately.
Mastitis is an inflammation of breast tissue that sometimes involves an infection. The inflammation results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness. You might also have fever and chills. Mastitis requires immediate medical attention.
Be sure to have your pump before having the baby so you can become familiar with it.
Assure you have the right flange size.
Be prepared to pump a lot.
Look for the Exclusive Pumping booklet in your OB’s office for more information.
Always follow breastmilk storage guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Breastmilk Storage GuidelinesHere are the essentials of how to keep your breast pump kit clean as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Breast pump HygieneNicole Schumm, RN, IBCLC, is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant who has dedicated her whole nursing career to maternity and lactation specific care. She is passionate about breastfeeding and helping new moms meet their breastfeeding goals. Nicole is available to answer questions via phone or email before and after baby’s arrival.